Building King Villa/High-end private residence/public building
Architecture/Interior Finish/Furnishing/Lighting Design/Garden Design/Art Selection
专业 专注 专心 成就传世经典艺术生活空间。
Professional focus Achievement of classic art living space.
传统东方文化孕育生命格局,“礼.乐”礼是秩序是格律 乐是情感是诗意。
Traditional Oriental culture breeds life pattern, "Rites." "Music" is the order, the rhythm, the emotion and the poetry.
私人定制 建筑 空间 艺术与生活 塑造独特且符合主人气质的精神生活场域。
Private custom building space art and life to create a unique and in line with the owner's temperament of the spiritual life field.
The living space of inherited family homes is also an energy field, a field where people gather to inherit the family spirit and a better life.