文武空间设计|在 3 艺术生活体验馆

项目名称:在 3 艺术生活体验馆

项目地址:中国 北京

项目面积:800 ㎡

设计公司:文武空间设计顾问(北京 ) 有限公司

设计师 :文武、陈晓北

摄影 :郑焰、史云峰

PROJECT:Being 3 Art & Life ·Home

LOCATION:Beijing, China

DESIGN AREA: 800 sq.m

DESIGN FIRM: Wenwu Spatial Design

DESIGN TEAM:Wen Wu, Chen Xiaobei

PHOTO CREDIT:Zheng Yan, Shi Yunfeng

这是一个艺术生活体验馆, 位于北京塑三文创园内, 是由旧工业遗存厂房转型改造而成, 建筑风格具有明显的历史特征。

互联网的发展和疫情的经历,很大程度改变了人们的购物方式和生活方式,对于品牌也提出 了新的时代命题, 我们设计这个项目的初衷, 是想打造一种全新的商业模式 — —让「商业」 后退,把甲乙方的关系变得柔和。区别于过去简单的铺陈产品,更加注重空间的艺术格调和 品牌气质, 让到访的宾客有一些意料之外的情绪, 从而带来沉浸式的品牌体验。

This is an art life experience museum located in the Beijing Plastic San Cultural and Creative Park. It was transformed from an old industrial relic factory, and its architectural style has obvious historical characteristics.

The development of the Internet and the experience of the epidemic have greatly changed people's shopping methods and lifestyles, and have also proposed new era propositions for brands. Our original intention in designing this project was to create a new business model - let "Business" retreats and softens the relationship between Party A and Party B. Different from the simple display of products in the past, more attention is paid to the artistic style and brand temperament of the space, so that visiting guests can have some unexpected emotions, thus bringing an immersive brand experience.

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New into Old

“空间的一半依赖于设计,另一半则源自于存在与精神” ——安藤忠雄

“Half of space depends on design,the other half is derived from presence and spirit.” ——(Tadao Ando)

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哥特教堂式的彩色玻璃是一位当代艺术家的作品,当阳光透过玻璃进入室内空间时,会给人 一种如沐圣光的感觉, 每一位身临其境的宾客都会被这一束光所感动。

The Gothic cathedral-style stained glass is the work of a contemporary artist, and when sunlight enters the interior space through the glass, it will give people a feeling like a sacred light, and every immersive guest will be moved by this beam of light.

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步入建筑内部, 视觉上展现出「请」的动作,搭配艺术画作 、壁龛 、灯光 、塑像等等,大开大合且谦逊有礼,寓意欢迎宾客。

Step into the building, visually show the "please" movement, with art paintings, niches, lights, statues, etc., open and humble, meaning welcome guests.

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首层空间利用通过园林造景作为媒介,把开阔空间中的多个功能区进行分隔。每个区域既独立又融合,搭配灯光和音乐,让人彻底放松下来, 觥筹交错间,进入艺术 、聚会的美好氛围。

The ground floor space uses garden landscape as a medium to separate multiple functional areas in the open space. Each area is both independent and integrated, with lighting and music, let people completely relax, drink each other, into the fine atmosphere of art and party

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Although the staircase is independent of the space, it can always interact with other Spaces. As the light changes from light to dark, and then from dark to light, people's desire to explore the upstairs space is seduced.

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The design theme of the second floor is mainly around "what kind of space people are most comfortable in". We integrate reception room, audio-visual room, cloakroom and other life scenes into the building body, and let visitors further feel the artistic value of different exhibits through different space atmosphere, so that each "product" can present the best state in the space.

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HIFI 听音室是复古摩登的爵士氛围,选择的画作和空间的气质极其吻合。落地玻璃和一层空间形成互动关系,在极致的音乐享受的同时也会期待有一个人能够「入画」。

HIFI listening room is a retro modern jazz atmosphere, the selection of paintings and the temperament of the space is very consistent. Floor-to-ceiling glass and the ground floor space form an interactive relationship, in the ultimate music enjoyment at the same time, there will be a person to be able to "enter the painting".

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VIP 接待室给人眼前一亮的复古感受,裸露的经过重新打磨的红砖搭配中古家具,是又一次朴素和奢华的碰撞。

The VIP reception room gives people a bright retro feeling, and the exposed re-polished red bricks with medieval furniture is another collision of simplicity and luxury.

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Stepping into the third floor, the spacious and open art space is not too much decoration, providing the feasibility of the place for more activities. The exposed original red brick walls have been carefully polished to present a softer texture, and the mottled steel frames create traces of age.

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在新与旧之间,将过去,现在与未来连接,为画廊点燃文艺气质的氛围,和商业产品展的氛围互相融合 , 成就。

Between the old and the new, the past, the present and the future are connected, and the atmosphere of artistic temperament is lit for the gallery, and the atmosphere of commercial product exhibition is integrated to achieve success.